We build innovation
To boost the competitiveness of companies, institutions and Italian investors
What we can do for you
We are ready to bring corporate entrepreneurship, digital transformation and open innovation into your world, to increase your competitiveness and boost your evolution.
We have created an original and complete approach that allows us to develop the best groundbreaking strategies for our Clients.

For companies
- Training on open innovation, i.e. strategies and best practices as well as corporate entrepreneurship dedicated to managers.
- Technology scouting and matching. We source the best cutting-edge technologies and startups with offers that are complementary to yours to enhance your products and services.
- Corporate Venture Capital. We design and implement the most effective investment strategies and M&A for your company, to enhance cutting-edge technologies and companies.
- “Plug & play” open innovation: corporate incubators, call for ideas, innovation theme-based events and other “plug & play” services with validated formats and partners. Ultimately, we make our solid track record and database available.

For institutions
- Entrepreneurship training. We provide coaching on entrepreneurship and the fundamentals on how to manage a startup, starting from fundraising, for students and young entrepreneurs.
- Ecosystem design. Support to local stakeholders to define the most suitable strategies to create and develop local entrepreneurial clusters and ecosystems.
- Support to the associates, assisting their path towards innovation through tech scouting, theme-based events and deal flow generation for registered members of specific industry associations.
For investors
Training on innovation investments, involving coaching on how to devise investment vehicles, processes, tools and investment strategies as well as how to differentiate the investment through a startup portfolio.
Dealflow generation and management. Creation of recurrent investment opportunities in relation to specific industries and geographical areas. Subsequent due diligence and the possibility to invest in the most promising opportunities found will also be evaluated.
Ecosystem development, though the creation of strategic partnerships either with territorial or industrial ecosystems, for corporate or finance investors.


UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO BICOCCA. Ideazione e gestione del programma “iBicocca” per lo sviluppo dell’imprenditorialità dei 33.000+ studenti dell’Ateneo con particolare attenzione alla formazione degli studenti e il supporto alle loro idee di impresa. Quasi 4.000 gli studenti fin’ora formati in iBicocca (8 cicli semestrali).

AGOS. For Agos, we had the opportunity to lead the most relevant scouting project for AI vendors in FinTech (300+ vendors were observed). As a result, we managed to develop a total 10 PoCs in all.

ART-ER. Aster (Art-Er today) is the official agency appointed for innovation management in the Emilia Romagna region. We deliver educational contents and venture acceleration for the startups taking part in the Accelmed and KIC programmes (100+ accelerated startups to date).

ASSOLOMBARDA. For Assolombarda, the largest regional division of Confindustria in Italy, we designed the most relevant innovative project in the Italian mobility industry, MCE4x4. We also research and analyse the different startups operating in this sector: 110 startups were uncovered during the first edition, 111 in the second, 101 in the third and 125 in the fourth.

UNINDUSTRIA BOLOGNA. We designed and managed “Startup Meetup”, a technology based scouting project and match-making initiative involving local entrepreneurs (60+ startups taking part).

CONFINDUSTRIA PICCOLA INDUSTRIA. For Confindustria and Intesa SanPaolo we researched and analysed more than 100+ startups and managed a match-making programme between startups and small/medium sized companies called “AdottUp”.

CONFINDUSTRIA VENETO. For the Giovani di Confindustria internal division of Confindustria Veneto, we devised and managed “Venture Community Veneto”, comprising 4 travelling stages of tech scouting taking place at local offices (300+ participating startups) . Additionally, we organised a business speed date with local entrepreneurs.

CONFINDUSTRIA VERONA. For Confindustria Verona we have devised and managed “Impresa Per Impresa”, a tech scouting and match-making project involving local entrepreneurs (3 editions in all with 350+ attending startups).

CREDIT AGRICOLE. For Crédit Agricole Bank we supported the setup and launch of “Le Village by CA”, the open innovation platform of Credit Agricole Group (incubator and support ecosystem), both in Milan and Parma. At present, we are implementing and developing this project in other Italian Cities.

ELECTROLUX. For Electrolux, a multinational company dealing in household appliances, we delivered tailored scouting on domestic technologies (more than 40 solutions found on a European scale).

EY. We provided advisory to generate awareness and train the company on startup business (BU Assurance). We were also part of the jury assigning the prize for Entrepreneur of The Year in relation to the startup segment..

INTESA SANPAOLO. For Intesa Sanpaolo we devised the company startup school (“Officine Formative”) and currently make research studies (60+ startups running for each of the 7 delivered editions), selection and in-situ training directed to startups. We are a contributor to “Startup Initiative”.

RCS MEDIAGROUP. We provided advisory for the making of “Corriere Innovazione” both in terms of contents, as vision partners and contributors to a column, and in terms of strategic planning to the project (structuring the business plan and the project strategic plan).

TETRA PAK. Training directed to top managers over open innovation and corporate
entrepreneurship topics and issues.

UNICREDIT START LAB. For Unicredit we designed a Corporate Incubator pilot scheme (Unicredit StartLab - FinTech Accelerator) and carried out a study to find the FinTech startups that could sustain it (more than 90+ were found during the pilot scheme).
We are still contributing to the company’s Startup Academy.

360 CAPITAL. 360 Capital is one of the most important Italian-French VC funds. We devised and managed 360by360, the first and only startup competition promoted by an Italian VC (more than 300+ startups took part in the first edition and more than 400+ attended the second one).

What they say about us
Ability for teamwork, drive, steadfastness and a goal oriented approach. These are the elements
that were instrumental for the success of MCE 4x4. Nuvolab proved to be the ideal partner for the
development and the realisation of the entire project.

Nuvolab proved a proactive and effective partner for the iBicocca project, strongly connected with
the Italian and International innovation ecosystem and able to challenge the classroom with
significant people and stories, in the framework of a strongly innovative and enthralling course. We
acknowledge how relevant it is to trigger and develop the entrepreneurial spirit of our students,
which is increasingly becoming an exciting and important journey: not just for them, but also for our
University. This course will surely embark us together on a prosperous journey.

Nuvolab’s support in the creation, launch and management of Corriere Innovazione was of vital
importance to us. The thorough expertise related to corporate entrepreneurship projects together
with an extensive knowledge of the Italian innovation ecosystem has allowed Corriere to find the
right ways to tell how the future is moving forward in our Country, also through the voice of its main
actors and players. This is definitely one of the most successful projects that we had the chance to
have in RCS Group.

What I have mostly appreciated about Nuvolab is that its project management approach is entrepreneurial, rather than consultancy based. They are actually focused on execution and you really get hands-on, concrete results. To summarise, few powerpoint slides and lots of hard facts.

Contact us
If you are interested in boosting the competitiveness of your business, innovate your institution or invest in open innovation projects, please fill in the form below to get in touch with us.